To better understand parental alienation, here are the best references on the subject.
En français

Dictature affective Documentaire réalisé par Karina Marceau
When a child "divorces" from one of his parents ...
This is the subject of the documentary ‘Emotional Dictatorship’, which demonstrates the sad reality of parental alienation, where children are torn apart in fierce conflicts between their dad and their mom. Psychological warfare leaves young people with only one option: to choose one parent and reject the other. Read more
From the repeated denigration of false allegations of sexual abuse or abuse of the ex-partner, some parents use all sorts of perverse, often unconscious, strategies to attract the exclusive love of their offspring.
With humanity, lucidity and delicacy, emotional dictatorship raises the veil on an unknown phenomenon that poisons the lives of too many children, fathers and mothers.
A documentary that all parents should see ...

Documentary Directors: Marcel Simard and Marquise Lepage
Here is a very touching documentary on an apparently banal yet so common subject, children whose parents separate: World War III
The camera is posed here in front of parents in full mediation session. Parents are so overwhelmed by anger, bitterness and sadness that they often forget their children. They express their dismay at the situation using drawings, videos and words. It is these little protagonists of the film who call it the third world war. In other words, their lives are transformed into trench warfare.

In english

Parental Alienation The Nanaimo Men's Resource Centre presents...
In this documentary Parental Alienation is explored. They speak to a psychologist, interview alienated parents and discuss practical strategies on how to deal with this behavior. They also discuss the effects of Parental Alienation on parents, children and entire families.
Voici une sélection des meilleurs livres sur le sujet de l'aliénation parentale.
En français

Co-parenting with a TOXIC ex - What to do when your ex-spouse tries to turn the kids against you Amy J.L. Baker & Paul R. Fine - New Harbinger Publications, 2014
During and after a difficult divorce, it’s easy for your relationship with your kids to become strained—especially if you are dealing with a toxic ex who bad-mouths you in front of your children, accuses you of being a bad parent, and even attempts to “replace” you with a new partner in your children’s lives. Your children may become confused, conflicted, angry, anxious, or depressed—and you may feel powerless. But there is help.
In this guide, you’ll discover a positive parenting approach to dealing with a hostile ex-spouse. You'll learn the best ways to protect your children from painful loyalty conflicts, how to avoid parental alienation syndrome, and techniques for talking to your children in a way that fosters honesty and trust. Co-parenting with a toxic ex can be challenging, but with the right tools you can protect your kids and make your relationship with them stronger than ever.

Conflictual Separations and Parental Alienation: Children at Risk Roland Broca et Olga Odinetz, Édition Chronique sociale, France, 2016
Separation and divorce are moments of disruption that are very destabilizing and difficult to manage for parents and children alike. It is at these moments of rupture and crisis that psychologival difficulties can be revealed both in children and in parents. When separation becomes a war, the child finds himself exposed to a subtle psychological blackmail of a parent, sometimes both. Read more ....
Based on the analysis of the emotional, psychological and judicial journey of real life situations, this book shows how apparently ordinary family situations can sometimes, due to lack of early diagnosis, take dramatic developments. It draws on the testimonies of parents and children who are victims of these family wars to go through the various stages of the judicial chain, crossing the eyes of the various actors: magistrates, experts, psychiatrists, psychologists, lawyers and lawyers. It presents the limits of the different forms of intervention in the current judicial context and draws on experiences in neighboring countries to advance models of multidisciplinary care. This book is primarily aimed at the general public because anyone considering a separation anxiously raises the question of children and the preservation of the bond with them. It is also addressed to the actors concerned by these conflictual parental separations. The objective of this book is to provide elements of understanding of the phenomena involved in conflicting parental separations, as well as possible solutions for the protection of children and the respect of their rights.

Enfants de manipulateurs Christel Petitcolli, Édition Guy Trédaniel, 2013
Illustrated with concrete cases, this book shows how to recognize a manipulative parent. He describes his relationships with his children, the profile of the victim's parent and the possible after-effects of the manipulated children. It provides solutions to protect children struggling with manipulative parents.
In english

Co-parenting with a Toxic Ex: What to Do When Your Ex-Spouse Tries to Turn the Kids Against You Amy J.L. Baker & Paul R. Fine - New Harbinger Publications, 2014
During and after a difficult divorce, it’s easy for your relationship with your kids to become strained—especially if you are dealing with a toxic ex who bad-mouths you in front of your children, accuses you of being a bad parent, and even attempts to “replace” you with a new partner in your children’s lives. Your children may become confused, conflicted, angry, anxious, or depressed—and you may feel powerless. But there is help.
In this guide, you’ll discover a positive parenting approach to dealing with a hostile ex-spouse. You'll learn the best ways to protect your children from painful loyalty conflicts, how to avoid parental alienation syndrome, and techniques for talking to your children in a way that fosters honesty and trust. Co-parenting with a toxic ex can be challenging, but with the right tools you can protect your kids and make your relationship with them stronger than ever.

Surviving Parental Alienation: Journey of Hope and Healing Amy J.L. Baker and Paul R. Fine, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2014
A book that any rejected parent should read. It brings together tragic stories of alienation with a solid analysis of often subtle behaviors that lead to alienation. This book also presents hope through reconciliation stories and successful strategies, prompting one never to give up.

Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome – breaking the ties that bind Amy J.L. Baker, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2007
Based on a series of interviews with individuals who were victims of parental alienation when they were children, this book is a crucial review of this often misunderstood syndrome offering practical recommendations for the therapist and parent.
Sites Internet
We recommend the following websites to avoid wasting time searching for information. Please note, however, that the law of each country differs and that legal information, if any, may not be applicable.

L’ARUC – Parental separation, family reconstitution
For members and the general population, this site is an information site dedicated to the families affected by these transitions.

Family Affairs & Children's
This site is from France and it is strongly recommended to understand parental alienation in its full extent. A site made by mental health professionals and lawyers triggers the alarm on an alarming situation.

ACALPA - France Association contre l’aliénation parentale pour le maintien du lien familial
Founded in 2005, ACALPA brings together parents - fathers, mothers and grandparents - as well as professionals who have realized that parental alienation is a serious risk for all children whose parents are separated and who are committed to publicize this phenomenon in a public forum and to have it recognized by the professionals concerned so that everyone can better identify and understand the processes, to act, to prevent and to remedy these situations in the interests of children and to respect their rights.

Ryan Thomas
Ryan was a child alienated by his mother. He rejected his father at the age of 15 after several years of alienating strategies. He reconciled with his father at the age of 25, where he discovered his extraordinary dad. Ryan decided to help the rejected parents understand the phenomenon and to equip themselves to maximize the chances of reconciling with their child.
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