What is parental alienation strong>?
Parental alienation is a family dynamic in which one parent engages in alienating behaviors, programming the child's mind in order to promote unwarranted rejection and disaffection with the other parent.
Parental alienation is recognized by experts as a psychological abuse against children.
Parental alienation, it's time to talk about it openly.
Whytalk about it?
In such a context, there is phenomenon which is not well known, called ‘parental alienation’, which must be talked about publicly because:
- There are thousands of children in Quebec affected by this phenomenon, yet few can actually put a name to it.
- Parental alienation remains somewhat ‘taboo’ despite the fact that more and more documentation exists and is recognized by experts as psychological abuse towards children, which has serious repercussions on the present and future lives of children.
- Parental alienation can be resolved through recognition, prevention, open communication, information and the mobilization of parents, including those in the entourage of the affected children, while at the same time, waiting for the courts to be better informed.
Am I affected ?
If you are a parent or relative of a child whose parents are separated or divorced, a school, a medical or social professional, then parental alienation should concern you. In short, we all are.
This website is useful:
- Relevant information to understand and detect alienation and be able to help a child or a targeted parent.
- Information to understand parental alienation and know how to act with one's child
- Educational and parent exchange meeting
- Educational and parent exchange meetings
- Testimonial platform to share your experience
- Bibliography of useful publications
- Information to find answers to what you experienced
- Testimonial platform to share your experience
Understanding Parental Alienation Solutions à l'Aliénation Parentale

International Parental Alienation Awareness Day
April 25 was chosen as the International Parental Alienation Awareness Day et est soulignée dans plus de 25 pays.
Ce fût une journée soulignée au Québec par les évènements suivants :
- Table ronde au 98.5 FM de Isabelle Maréchal
- Entrevue à Radio-Canada Outaouais de Marie-Lou St-Onge
- Entrevue à Radio-Canada Estrie de Réjean Blais
- Article dans Droit Inc. : L'aliénation parentale, c'est l'affaire de tous
- Article dans Planète F Magazine : L'aliénation parentale : La santé psychologique de l'enfant menacée
April 25 was chosen as the International Parental Alienation Awareness Day. The idea was introduced at the end of 2005 in Ontario by Sarvy Emo, who is also the founder of the Parental Alienation Awareness Organization (PAAO) whose mission is to raise awareness and educate the public and professionals about prevention and interventions associated with parental alienation.
To date, more than 25 countries around the world have highlighted this day in their own way.
What do your children want?
"Dear Mom / Dad,
Never forget that I am the child of both of you. Now that you do not live together anymore, I need both of you!"
Les 20 demandes d'un enfant de parent séparé
What is a good parenting in co-parenting ?
A good parent will be one who is able to meet the material, emotional and security needs of the child, facilitate the development of self-esteem and self-confidence and maintain the ties with both parents.
La charte de co-parentalitéIl est plus facile de créer des enfants forts que de réparer des adultes brisés- Frederick Douglass
2025 © Carrefour aliénation parentale Québec